Manual Directory Enumeration

Educated Guessing

Try to infer the name of the file based on the naming scheme. For example, if a page viewuser.asp is found, then look also for edituser.asp, adduser.asp and deleteuser.asp. If a directory /app/user is found, then look also for /app/admin and /app/manager.

Identify the file extensions in use within known areas of the application (e.g. jsp, aspx, html), and use a wordlist appended with each of these extensions (or use a longer list of common extensions if resources permit). For each file identified through other enumeration techniques, create a custom wordlist derived from that filename.

Get a list of common file extensions (including zip, ~(created by emacs), (none at all), bak, txt, src, dev, old, inc, orig, copy, tmp, etc.) and use each extension before, after, and instead of the extension of the actual file name. Note: Windows file copying operations generate file names prefixed with Copy of or localized versions of this string.

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