Automated Directory Enumeration


If you choose to use SecLists' raft-medium-words wordlist, then keep in mind that you will not find /cgi-bin/, it will only find /cgi-bin (without the slash). You can add the slash using the --add-slash flag, but then it won't find it without the slash.

It seems like no single wordlist is good enough... For thatreason, I've combined multiple wordlists into one massive wordlist. They're available at:

I recommend running 2 separate dirbusts:

  • Dirbust for files using the combined_words.txt wordlist and specifying all important extensions.

  • Dirbust for directories using the combined_directories.txt wordlist.

This can be run automatically with AutoRecon, for example.


Files search:

gobuster dir -u http://server-client -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt  -x .php,.html,.txt --discover-backup


Note: If you specify -x, then don’t worry, it also includes files without file extension


Brute force directories/files using wfuzz

wfuzz -c -z file,/usr/share/wfuzz/wordlist/general/common.txt --hc 404  http://vulnerable/FUZZ


  • -s : Time delay (in seconds)

  • --hh : Filter out character length

  • --hc : Filter out status codes

  • -R10 : Sets recursion with a depth of 10

    • Be wary of HTTP Forbidden headers

Last updated